Essential Oils, Herbs and Astrology: The Inner Healing Journey

with Aromatherapists & Astrologers Gabriel Mojay and Shellie Enteen

6 LIVE & RECORDED Zoom Webinars held on Sunday, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 2024 from 9 am—12 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Course fee: $495


Aromatherapy and herbalism should necessarily be based on a sound understanding of botanical pharmacology and modern pathophysiology. There are, however, insights to be gained from investigating the spiritually transformative dimension of plant medicine — and so deepen our insight into the psychological benefits of aromatic herbs and essential oils, in particular. It is an experience that finds its historical roots in the diverse use of fragrant plants in indigenous shamanistic practice and manifold spiritual traditions.

In this course, Essential Oils, Herbs and Astrology: The Inner Healing Journey, Gabriel Mojay and Shellie Enteen share their long-standing study and practice of the Astrology of aromatic plants and essential oils. The course will cover the fascinating range of topics that together form the basis of an ancient intuitive discipline.

Participation on the course requires no prior knowledge of Astrology, though previous training in Aromatherapy or Herbal Medicine is preferred.

Gabriel and Shellie will introduce the fundamentals of traditional Astrology with special reference to both psychological and physical health. They will discuss how the constitutional and emotional causes of disease are reflected ‘synchronistically’ in one’s individual Astrological Birth Chart – and in particular by the energetic tensions arising from the dynamic planetary aspects and the corresponding psychological drives that constitute one’s the essentials of the Astrological Birth Chart.

As part of the course, participants will have the option to submit the necessary information (date, time and place of birth) for their Birth Chart to be prepared in advance, according to the teachers’ standards, and sent to them as two PDF documents. In addition participants will receive, by the last session, a 400-word written interpretation of their Chart by Gabriel Mojay.

The course will encompass ethnobotanical symbolism of various aromatic plants — and how age-old mythological and astrological associations can illuminate the therapeutic nature of many herbs and their essential oils.

 Please note that the course does not include tuition in the manual preparation of the Astrological Birth Chart, as there is a wide choice of software that performs this function efficiently and for free online. Neither will we discuss Astrology as a predictive tool. The emphasis, rather, will be on interpreting the Birth Chart from a psychological and therapeutic viewpoint — and as a symbolic mirror of character and soul.

The goal of the course is to train participants to use the Astrological Birth Chart to shed light on various issues relevant to individual well-being. In addition, it will provide further insight into the psycho-spiritual benefits of a range of important aromatic plants and their essential oils — and how their selection can be enhanced by sensitive use of the Birth Chart as a tool of intuitive ‘diagnosis’.

Join Gabriel and Shellie on this fascinating journey of aromatic discovery and self-discovery!


Fundamentals of Astrology

  • The polarities: Midheaven (MC)–Immum Coeli (IC); Ascendant (ASC)–Descendant (DES).
  • The triplicities: Fire, Earth, Air and Water; the Four Elements and Humours in diagnosis.
  • The quadruplicities: Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable modes; Angular, Succedent, Cadent Houses.
  • The twelve Houses as time periods and arenas of life; their significance to personal health.
  • The twelve Signs of the Zodiac as archetypal qualities of personality; their traditional associations with aromatic plants and the the bodily organs.
  • The ten astrological Planets as archetypes of life and personality; dynamics of planetary aspects; traditional planetary associations with medicinal plants and bodily systems.

 Traditional symbolism of aromatic plants

  •  Essential oil fragrance energetics from the perspective of the Four Elements and Humours.
  •  The mythological, alchemical and astrological symbolism of various aromatic plants; planetary and Sign ‘rulership’; how symbolic associations reflect psycho-energetic faculties.

Integration and application

  •  The Astrological Birth Chart as a tool of intuitive ‘diagnosis’; as an aid to gaining a deeper grasp of the mental-emotional factors involved patterns of ill-health.
  •  The Astrological Birth Chart as a formulating tool to support and fine-tune the selection, combining and blending of therapeutically pertinent herbs and essential oils. 


  • WEBINAR DATES - Live & Recorded, via Zoom Pro: Sunday, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 2024
  • WEBINAR TIMES: 9 am—12 pm Pacific Time (PT); 5 pm—6.30 pm GMT
  • HANDOUTS: extensive illustrated slide presentation notes distributed in PDF form.
  • PLANT ID: slides and notes illustrated by images from Gabriel’s library of medicinal and aromatic plant photographs.
  • WEBINAR RECORDING: available for one year following sharing of the link to video.
  • CLASS PARTICIPATION: questions and comments relevant to the diverse range of topics the course encompasses are always welcome.
  • CE CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE: issued the Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine & Aromatherapy (ITHMA), founded by Gabriel Mojay in London in 1990.



Gabriel is a practitioner, educator author-researcher in the scientific and TCM-energetic aspects of medicinal and aromatic plants and their extracts. He has practiced and taught Clinical Aromatherapy, Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture since 1987.

Gabriel was born in England, grew up in Maryland, has spent most of his career in London, and now resides in California. He first studied TCM in 1978, qualifying in shiatsu, and later co-authored Shiatsu – the complete guide. Following 4 years of study with TCM clinicians including Giovanni Maciocia, he became a member of the British Acupuncture Council. While at acupuncture school Gabriel trained in European and Chinese herbal medicine and in Scientific Aromatherapy with Pierre Franchomme and Daniel Pénoël MD, among others.

Since 1990 Gabriel has been Principal of the Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy (ITHMA). He has presented lectures at international conferences and seminars in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Australia, France, the Czech Republic, Ireland, and the UK. He is author of Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit.

Gabriel’s interest in and study of Astrology started with esoteric studies focused especially on Tarot undertaken with metaphysician and author Diane Lancaster in 1983 in Baltimore, MD. This included a study of the books of well-known Astrologer Alan Oken as well as attending lectures with him.

Upon Gabriel's return to England, he undertook return to began to study of the work of Astrologers Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas who together ran the Center for Psychological Astrology based at the same university campus in Regents Park, central London as Gabriel’s institute. Liz Greene is well-known as a leading author on Astrology, and in particular for applying Jungian psychology to understanding the Astrological Birth Chart. Gabriel has had a long interest in the work of Carl Jung, and applies key Jungian psychological concepts in a simple way to aspects of his work as an aromatherapist and herbalist.

 Gabriel has given many Astrological readings over the years, and draws from a wide spectrum of esoteric wisdom ranging from Alchemy, Kabbalah, and the work of Gurdjieff through to a long-standing experience of Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism and Tantra Yoga. He was once the office manager of a yoga ashram in London.

Gabriel applied his interest in, and insights gleaned from, the Western Esoteric Tradition in his 1997 publication Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit ~ in which he discusses a range of aromatic plants from the perspective of their traditional Astrological symbolism.

Gabriel sincerely believes that the door on the soul which this class will open for people will be one that will reveal a fascinating and often transformative new world that informs every corner of our lives.


Shellie has been an Aromatherapist, holistic health provider, author, and educator for over 30 years. She has been a practicing Astrologer since 1975. While her approach is that of traditional Western Astrology, in 1999 she undertook training in Evolutionary Astrology with Jeffrey Wolf Green in London, and now adds this dimension to her practice. In the same year The Mountain Astrologer published an article by Shellie on Bach Flowers and their relationship to the signs of the Zodiac.

While living in southeast Florida, Shellie lectured for the South Florida Astrology Association, and now lectures for the Asheville Friends of Astrology, in North Carolina. After studying with Melanie Reinhart, famous for her books on Chiron and the Centaurs, Shellie was honored to be asked to contribute a chapter on Chariklo, the ‘priestess extraordinaire’ and Chiron’s wife, for a collective work that includes her mentor.

Along with professional Astrology readings for clients, Shellie writes daily forecasts for her Astralessence Facebook page, and does a podcast for the Weekly Astrology Forecast, available through the Blog on her website Shellie teaches mentorship classes for beginners and those who want to know more about specific areas of Astrology.

Shellie first encountered Aromatherapy in 1987, and was fortunate to live near one of the first shops offering pure essential oils: Nature’s Symphony in Boca Raton, Florida. Owner Gerri Whidden became a mentor and sponsored workshops featuring professional Aromatherapists from England and Europe. From here, Shellie gained experience teaching continuing education classes for Licensed Massage Therapists, training staff at resort hotels in Florida, New York, and Montreal.

Shellie wrote a popular column for Massage Today, The Aromatic Message, for 10 years, during which time she also was featured on the cover of Massage Magazine.

Shellie served as Regional Director and Vice-President on the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) Board for nine years, writing and editing articles for the NAHA Journal, and presenting at the NAHA World of Aromatherapy Conference in Norfolk, VA in 2004.

Moving to upstate South Carolina in 2005, Shellie brought Professional Aromatherapy I and II classes to Greenville Tech. While teaching these approved classes, she attained the widely-respected Registered Aromatherapist (RA) qualification, and later became a provider of CE classes for health professionals on all levels of practice.

An interview with Shellie appears in the 2023 Aromatherapy Symposium organized and hosted by AromaTrust:


As a special course bonus, attendees will receive - in addition to a PDF of their Astrological Birth Chart - a unique and personal 400-word interpretation of their Chart written by Gabriel Mojay.


This series of weekly 3-hour webinars with Gabriel and Shellie includes a PDF of 350 illustrated presentation slides covering all the main aspects of Astrology and the traditional Astrological symbolism of key essential oil-bearing plants.


6 LIVE & RECORDED Zoom Webinars

held on Sunday, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 2024 from 9 am—12 pm Pacific Time (PT)

Course fee: $495